

9th of August**

18:30 Arlo Tomecek Field Notes 50 min Deep Listening Session and Site Specific Study “I will provide a guided deep listening session and we will take recordings. I will provide my field mic. For those who would like to take notes of their observations, they should provide their own paper and something to write with.” In English Auf Englisch
19:30 Monika Dorniak (porously) anchored in the peripheries of time (2023) / A Sensing Capsule (2022) 5-10 min Performative Score-Reading In English. Potential for participation. Auf Englisch (inkl. Deutscher Übersetzung in Druckversion)
19:45 M Casey unlike a book (2024) (in collaboration w/ Monika Dorniak) 10 min Performative Reading In English Auf Englisch
20:00 Michael Bekele The Orange & The Apple 30-40 min Poetry Reading “I will read from some recent material that has come to me, an early attempt at a verse novel. Or rather a format which combines poetry and prose(?)... something I’d like to explore further.”
In English Auf Englisch
20:30 Maryna Makarenko & Olesia Moroz My Voice be a Weeping Spell 25 min Vocal performance Folk songs are our tools to decompose and process grief and sadness, and to find momentary islands of tranquility. The power of reversed magic is decoded in them: by singing about something frightful one can protect herself from it. Embroidering and weaving with our voices these sonic landscapes that unfold through dark Ukrainian lullabies and playful rusalni (mermaid) songs, we activate the forgotten tales of the land.
In German & English & Ukrainian Volkslieder sind unsere Werkzeuge, um Kummer und Trauer zu verarbeiten und um vorübergehende Inseln der Ruhe zu finden. In ihnen wird die Kraft umgekehrter Magie entschlüsselt: Indem man über etwas Schreckliches singt, kann man sich davor schützen. Indem wir diese Klanglandschaften, die sich durch dunkle ukrainische Schlaflieder und verspielte Rusalni-Lieder (Meerjungfrauenlieder) entfalten, mit unseren Stimmen besticken, aktivieren wir die vergessenen Geschichten des Landes. Auf Deutsch & Englisch & Ukrainisch


31st of August

14:30 Petra Mrša
Collaborating with the body 60 min Shared tryout This session invites you to engage in an exploration of movement as a medium for transformation and knowledge production. Together, we'll navigate the subtle interplay of movement and proprioception, uncovering ways to articulate, reshape, and have fun with our inner landscapes. We will make INSOLA a platform for movement, imagination, and reflection. No prior experience needed.

In English | Petra Mrša holds degrees in sociology, psychology, and cinematography, her practice involves initiating rule-based scenarios to reshape the experience of self and knowledge production. Through collaborative experiments, Mrša creates new realities characterized by horizontality, radical hospitality, and acceptance of the unknown, celebrating vulnerability and imagination while fostering connections with human and other-than-human intelligence. | | 15:30 | Janan Laubscher | Face of this Landscape | 15-20 min | Dance performance | | | | 16:00 | Óscar Perdomo | Amazonas - How to Summon a River | 10-15 min. | Poetry Reading | In English. A text in prose and verse that explores the significance of the Amazon River as a representation of all the rivers that flow across the planet. Insola is the ideal setting for contemplating and experiencing rivers as a part of human geography, and invoking fresh water is to call upon a colossal being to come to our aid. | Auf Englisch | | 16:30 | Katherina Gorodynska | Open to winds | 15-30 min. | Performative Reading | In German. Potential for participation. | Auf Deutsch | | 17:00 | Artur Vidal | Sonic Meditations | 50 min. | Workshop | In English. The Sonic Meditations created by Pauline Oliveros are 25 ‘recipes’ for tuning listening awareness and for making sonic experiences that are accessible to people from all ages, with and without musical training. | Auf Englisch. Die Sonic Meditations, die von Pauline Oliveros geschaffen wurden, sind 25 „Anweisungen“ zur Schärfung des Hörbewusstseins und zur Schaffung klanglicher Erfahrungen, die für Menschen jeden Alters mit und ohne musikalische Ausbildung zugänglich sind. | | 18:00 | Raphael Koranda | Schatten-riss | 20-30 min. | Klassische Lesung von prosaischer Lyrik | In English | Auf Englisch | | 18:30 | Dana Lorenz | Fieber | 20 min. | Performative reading | In German | Auf Deutsch | | 19:00 | Monika Błaszczak | The Inverted Portal | 15-20 min. | Movement experiment | An experiment in noticing the poignant inner dance inside our veins, bones, and tissues. We will look for a dance performance which is felt innerly rather than seen at a distance. In English. | Ein Experiment, um die packenden inneren Tänze in unseren Adern, Knochen und Geweben zu spüren. Wir wollen nach einer Tanzaufführung suchen, die man von innen fühlt und nicht nur von außen sieht. Auf Englisch. | | 19:30 | Artur Vidal, Malwina Kołodziejczyk and Sebastien Branche | Emphony | 50 min. | Workshop / Performance | In English. A guided meditation, led by the sound of a saxophone, for exploring liquid attentiveness. | / Auf Englisch | | 20:30 | Nick Koppenhagen & Charmaine Li | Dream Spiral | 60-90 min. | Workshop | The Dream Spiral is an informal monthly gathering in Berlin for anyone interested in dreams and dreaming. Everyone is welcome to bring a dream they want to share but it's also ok to come and just listen. In English | / Auf Englisch |



22nd of September

12:40-12:53 Arlo Tomecek ever something, ever always 12 minutes 52 seconds Dance performance on temporality, gesture, politics of movement
13:00-18:00 Elisa Storelli Zugerberg: Objekt Nr. 6 im Bundesinventar der Moorlandschaften incl. 15 min. presentation at 15:05h Sketches for collage
13:00-14:00 there, there Unhunting treasures 60 min Workshop format: Convivial playfulness Contrary to what we are led to believe, most of the treasures we long for are already around us. We don't have to hunt for them, seize them, or snatch them from the ground. We can carefully approach what arouses our admiration and perhaps even try to communicate it to others. In a game entangled with the environment, we want to turn the familiar yet overlooked into something we get to know differently. We invite you to join us in searching for the obvious, discovering its precious nature, and preserving its value. In German & English Auf Deutsch & Englisch
14:00-15:00 Gabriel Hensche How to Love Many in Many Ways: A Workshop on Playfulness in Conflict 60 min Workshop/Play Session (No RVSP needed) “Recently, a friend asked me if I knew any games that could help during a serious argument with a loved one. This question inspired the idea for this workshop, where we will explore various games and exercises that can be played during or after an argument. We will examine whether playfulness can contribute to more constructive conflicts. This workshop draws on insights from the project “How to Love Many in Many Ways”—a collection of games and exercises that playfully challenge our perceptions and practices of love, including whom we share it with. It’s designed for anyone who enjoys playing and is curious about integrating playfulness into their relationships, even in times of conflict and anger.” For 5 to 25 participants. Auf Deutsch & Englisch.
14:00 - 18:00 Peter Odinzow counter mood Presentation of Zines This afternoon, a curated selection of zines and other publications will be on display, showcasing the medium itself while often blending artistic practice with activism. These zines craft alternative narratives that unlock new avenues for action and affirm both personal and collective experiences. The works explore central themes of alienation, belonging, and identity. An diesem Nachmittag wird eine Auswahl an Zines und weiteren Publikationen zum lesen präsentiert, die das Medium selbst beleuchten und oft künstlerische Praxis mit Aktivismus verbinden. Zines schaffen alternative Erzählungen, die neue Handlungsmöglichkeiten eröffnen und persönliche sowie kollektive Erfahrungen validieren. Themen wie Entfremdung, Zugehörigkeit und Identität stehen dabei im Mittelpunkt.
15:30-15:50 Sille Kima All sun quiet down, all light pass through you 20 min A play with words, glimmers, darkness, light and who owns it. Through memory, a soft river of feelings tingling the skin, the surface, the muddy boundaries between you and I, near and far. Agathe stands in the middle of the forest, looking up. Later, in the violet twilight, the stars will be up. But not yet. The wind is changing the patterns falling on her shoulders, the skies above the heavy canopy beating relentlessly in fiery blue. Now she is further, stopped by a call not her own. In the glow of the not-yet-inbetween, the sticky warmth of the heavy sun pulling at her hair. By the tickles at the back of her throat, she already knows this feeling of herself dispersing, being in multiple places at once. Stepping behind her, she turns and faces the sun.
16:00-17:00 Catwings Conversation Scores 60 min A performative reading group.
A conversational role-play score.
A highly scripted discussion.
A performative reading group.
A conversational role-play score.
A highly scripted discussion.

Have you ever been ruminating about the role(s) you take in collective conversations? If you spoke too much or not enough? If you’ve been too angry, or too shy? Let’s try them out together!

Starting from a collective close reading, we will communally define shared roles, from which we read, listen and speak as a reparative score to interacting with a text and each other. | In Englisch | | 16:15-17:30 | Amelie Baier | chorus locorum | 75 mins | Sound installation | chorus locorum is a sound installation based on a three-voice Renaissance church motet. Each voice represents a different rural church space in which it was recorded and played back in a continuous loop until the frequencies of the space multiplied and gradually formed a composition of its own. Embedded in the backdrop of the greenhouse, its specific acoustics and planting, a diffusely alienated sacredness might emerge. | | | 17:30-17:50 | M Casey & Sarah Messerschmidt | concerts every evening | 20 min | Sound installation/poetry reading | an integrated poetry reading performed over a durational sound installation piece, collated with a pastiche of sonic motifs and field recordings, collected from specific upland, littoral and urban psychogeographic locations relating to both readers and textual material. In English. | In Englisch | | 18:00-20:00 | EXTERNAL COOKING PERFORMANCE | | | | | | | 20:00-21:30 | ONEIRIC SPACE & 0ct0p0s | Dream Spiral | 60-90 min | Workshop | The Dream Spiral is an informal monthly gathering in Berlin for anyone interested in dreams and dreaming. Everyone is welcome to bring a dream they want to share but it's also OK to come and just listen. In English | In Englisch | | 21:30-22:00 | Michal Jurgielewicz | Campfire Conference | 30 min | Gathering and Sound Performance | Gather around a campfire and listen to stories and soundscapes. As the fire burns and your gaze focuses on the moving flames, you're welcome to join the circle, whisper, and warm yourself. Feel free to bring any comfortable seating with you. | In Englisch |

Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 19.30.09.png

Image credit: there, there – Unhunting treasures